Funny South African Signs

The original article appeared on "The South African" website: 13 Signs that Prove South Africa is Anything but Ordinary

 1.  This pretty much sums up the conditions of some of our roads.  It's easier to make the sign...


2.  The "D" is so important.  Completely changes the meaning, no?


 3.  Well...


4.  Hey, it's better than having to buy one.


5.  The judgement it takes to follow the directions on the sign might prevent said sign from being read in the first place.  I don't know.


6.  Probably they meant "tongs."  That's a safe assumption, right?


7.  I think the local hospital posted this one in anticipation of South Africa's notoriously bad drivers.


8.  Yep, it'll just disappear spontaneously sometimes.


9.  Really, it's such a handy place to stash cash.

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