Pastor Matowane Radebe

About Matowane

Matowane Frans Radebe is a South African pastor from the township of Monyakeng, near Wesselsbron.  He grew up in a Christian home, having attended a Reformed church with his family.  At the age of 10 he began to feel a hunger to read the Bible for himself and was born again shortly thereafter.

Call to ministry


Matowane’s family is poor - his father passed away several years ago and his mother does piece jobs wherever she can find work.  From his early teen years Matowane knew that God wanted him in ministry, but his school teachers always discouraged him, pointing out the poverty of other pastors whenever they got the  chance.  This led him to pursue electrical engineering after high school.  However, even though he received his qualifications, for years he wasn’t able to find work in that field.  Eventually he got a job selling insurance, and it was during that time God reinforced the desire to work with people.  In 2014 Matowane’s inward call to ministry motivated him to pursue theological training.


Matowane applied to study theology at nearby university, but finances prevented him from doing so.  The school recommended that he study via distance through Mukhanyo Theological College.  This is what brought Matowane into our sphere of ministry.  After his first two modules were completed, he approached me with a problem - finances were going to prevent him from studying further.  We agreed at that time to cover his tuition and assist with other expenses as we could.  Matowane graduated in March 2020 with a Diploma in Theology.  Starting in 2022 he hopes to begin studies for a Bachelor's Degree in Theology

He began pastoring a church plant in Kutlwanong Township, about 30 minutes from us, in 2018.  In November 2019 Matowane was married to Puseletso Sarah Soul, whom he had led to Christ while participating in a community anti-gang outreach together.  Puseletso started her studies with Mukhanyo this year, working to obtain a certificate, which will better equip her as a pastor's wife.  Together, they are committed to ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ to their own people within the township context.



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